"Fasting for weight loss", is probably the most ignored method of losing weight, yet it has been proven to be a very effective alternative.
When most persons think about the whole idea of "fasting weight loss", they tend to shy away because they view it as too torturous and inhumane; while others view fasting as a fanatical practice only done by highly spiritual gurus.
"Effects of fasting" - what happens in your body when you fast ?
When you fast, you abstain from food by drinking purely water (water fast) or natural fruit juice (juice fast), in order to allow the body to initiate its natural healing/cleansing mechanism, which is detoxification. Detoxification is a process by which the body eliminates or neutralizes toxins form the colon, liver, kidney, lungs, lymph glands and skin.
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When food is no longer entering the body, the body turns to fat reserves for energy, These fat reserves were created when excess glucose and carbohydrates were not used for energy or growth, or excreted, so are therefore converted into fat. When these fat reserves are used for energy during a fast, it releases chemicals (toxins) which are then eliminated through the above mentioned organs.
Though fasting detoxifies the body, its also recommended that a "parasite cleanse" is done to have a complete detoxification result.
Fasting - and not starvation
Another reason why people shy away from using fasting as a means to attain weight loss, they think it will make them starve to death or harm them in some other way.
The truth is, only improper fasting leads to starvation or cause other complications. Fasting is only harmful when done without liquid in-take or if continued after hunger returns - when on a total fast. Hunger returning is an indication that all the fat reserves have been used up; usually occurs on a total fast which extends beyond three days. That intense hunger first felt will gradually leave after the first 24 - 36hrs, but returns when all the fat reserves have been completely used up, at this point the fast should be discontinued.
The first step before you begin your fasting
The first step I would urge you to do is to talk to your doctor, (but be warned, not all doctors are trained in this area and may posses limited understanding of fasting). But the wisest choice still, is to have a thorough check up (physical examination) to ensure you are in good health. By taking an examination, you may discover you have a physical condition that makes fasting unsafe or dangerous. And also, if you are on medication, be sure to have a talk with your doctor before making the step.
Examples of persons who should not fast without doctors' advice, and/or professional supervision
" Woman who are pregnant or nursing
" Anyone with tumors, bleeding ulcers, cancer, blood diseases, or heart disease
" If you suffer from chronic problem with kidneys, liver, lungs, heart, and other organs
" Persons who are taking insulin for diabetes, or suffer from other blood sugar problem such as hyperglycemia
Even if you fall in the above mentioned category, don't be discouraged, like I said, first go and get a check up from your doctor.
It would also be better if such persons part-takes in a supervised "fasting weight loss" program, where the fasting is monitored by a trained individual (there are therapeutic fasting centers that offer this service for a charge). But remember to first check with your doctor before taking that route.
How does "fasting for weight loss" works?
When you fast, you take a break from the consumption of food thus giving your body a rest, allowing accumulated toxic waste matters to be removed. That's why liquid in-take becomes necessary, because it speeds up the detoxification process allowing toxins to be eliminated and excreted from the body mainly through urination.
The byproduct of this method of detoxification is the removal and reduction of unhealthy body fat, hence producing significant weight loss.
How much weight can I expect to loose?
Weight loss through fasting depends on two things: how quick your body takes to purge it self, and the length of the fast. For some people, they will start seeing results in as little as three days, while with others, it may require a longer length of time or several phases of fasting to see significant weight reduction.
But to retain and maintain the obtained benefits of fasting weight loss, it is important that you first rid your body of parasite by taking a parasite cleanse, then stick to a balance and nutritious diet that will help you to have less toxic build up in your body allowing you to keep a stable weight.
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